Achieve your organizational goals by tracking, measuring, and improving your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) with Pefoma! Our comprehensive KPI solution helps you create a performance-driven culture that fosters efficiency, innovation, and growth.

Experience the full spectrum of functionality with our comprehensive features
Goal Setting and Tracking

Establish goals, assign responsibilities, and track progress with our easy-to-use interface.

Performance Alerts

Receive automated notifications when KPIs approach critical thresholds, ensuring timely action and corrective measures.


Showcase your KPI data in visually appealing and easy-to-understand graphs, charts, and tables.

Reporting and Exporting

Generate custom reports, schedule automated delivery, and export data in various formats to suit your needs.

Security and Compliance

Safeguard your data with our top-notch security measures and comply with industry standards.

Unlock The Advantages

Meaningful Dashboards

Create tailored dashboards for each department, role, or individual, displaying the most relevant KPIs for maximum efficiency.

Real-time Insights

Make informed decisions with up-to-the-minute data, helping you stay ahead of your competition.

Smart Analytics

Leverage our AI-driven analytics to identify trends, discover new insights, and optimize your KPI strategy.

We are passionate about helping businesses to improve their performance. With a shared vision of creating the most user-friendly and powerful KPI management system, we have dedicated ourselves to delivering a product that transforms how organizations monitor and optimize their performance. Contact our team to learn more about Pefoma today!

Let’s Collaborate

Ready to embark on a journey of innovation and success? Let’s collaborate to unlock the full potential of your business.

Let’s Collaborate

Ready to embark on a journey of innovation and success? Let’s collaborate to unlock the full potential of your business.

Contact Us Today!